member from 2003 to 2005


member from 2004 to 2009





member since 2004

Fellow since 2014



2018, октябрь, Красная Поляна, Сочи - Национальный конгресс ITI - "Покоряя вершины"

отчет для vallex в .docx


2018, сентябрь, Москва- 17-я научно-практическая конференция CONMET - «Четверть века с КОНМЕТ. Return to roots»

2018, июнь - ITI Study Club Moscow-Center

ITI online academy – полноценный образовательный ресурс

Синхронный перевод видео-докладов:

1. Шакил Шахдад

The Royal London Dental Hospital

Имплантаты Tissue Level в эстетической зоне



2. Кристоф Хаммерле

University of Zurich

Короткие дентальные имплантаты



3. Биляль Аль-Навас

University of Mainz

Размеры имплантатов – выбор длины и диаметра имплантата



2018, май - ITI Study Club Moscow-Center

Massimo Frosecchi

University of Genuia

Пластика кости и мягких тканей в дентальной имплантологии. Биологические осложнения дентальной имплантации. Профилактика. Лечение.


2018, январь, Верона - Семинар-тренинг Крыловидно-челюстной имплантат: альтернатива синус-лифтингу при атрофии верхней челюсти

Dr. Mauro Cerea, Университет Генуи


2017, сентябрь, Москва - Семинар Straumann/ITI - Протокол протезирования при полной адентии, ориентированный на пациента

Prof. Joao Manuel Mendez Carames

Университет Лиссабона


2017, май, Базель - Всемирный Симпозиум ITI, - Ключевые факторы долговременного успеха имплантации


2017, апрель, Москва - Симпозиум Straumann/ITI - Периимплантиты этиология, диагностика, лечение

Frank Shwarz, Университет Лидса


2016, октябрь, Москва - Сипозиум Штрауманн/ITI - Междисциплинарный поход к дентальной имплантологии: сложные клинические случаи

Chiapasco Matteo, Casentini Paolo

Университет Милана



ITI Online Academy - member since 2014:

4163 академических балла - Academy Points

400 кредитных баллов - Credit Points

(на июнь 2018)

Открыты 25 модулей обучения :

1. Регенерация тканей в лунке удалённого зуба - Healing of the Extraction Socket (by Nikos Mardas, CE 0.62 Credit hours/points)

2. Сравнение и результаты протезирования на имплантатах и традиционного несъёмного протезирования -
Implant-Supported vs. Conventional Fixed Dental Prostheses - Comparison and Outcomes (by Dr. Paul van Zyl, CE 0.48 Credit hours/points)

3. Классификация клинических случаев по степени сложности - The SAC Clasification (by Dr. Anthony S. Dawson, CE 0.7 Credit hours/points)

4. Дополнительные диагностические исследования - Additional Diagnostic Investigations (by Dr. Christiaan Vorster, CE 0.46 Credit hours/points)

5. Традиционные оттиски для несъёмных протезов на имплантатах - Conventional Implant Impressions for Fixed Dental Prosthesis (by Dr. Frank L. Lester Higginbottom, CE 0.6 Credit hours/points)

6. Форма хирургического разреза и лоскута тканей - Flap Design (by Dr. Merete Aaboe, CE 0.51 Credit hours/points)

7. Количество и расположение имплантатов для несъёмных реставраций - Implant Configurations for Fixed Dental Prosthesis by Sven Muhlemann, 0.66 Credit hours/points

8. Успех лечения и "выживаемость" имплантатов и реставраций на имплантатах - Implant and Prosthesis Survival and Success by Alvin B K Yeo, 0.43 Credit hours/points

9. Методы атравматичного удаления зубов - Minimally Traumatic Extraction Techniques by Eduardo R Lorenzana, 0.51 Credit hours/points

10. Мониторинг состояния тканей в области имплантатов - Monitoring Peri-Implant Tissue Health by Thomas W. Oates, 0.58 Credit hours/points

11. Общие медицинские факторы, влияющие на успех имплантации - Patient Medical Factors by Simon Storgard Jensen, 0.58 Credit hours/points

12. Сроки имплантации после удаления зуба -Timing of Implant Placement after Tooth Extraction by Stephen T Chen, 0.68 Credit hours/points

13. Тканевая интеграция дентальных имплантатов - Tissue Integration of Dental Implants by David L Cochran, 0.5 Credit hours/points

14. Хирургическая оценка участка имплантации - Surgical Assessment of the Implant Site by Wagner Rodrigues Duarte, 0.8 Credit hours/points

15. Принципы лечения при дефекте тканей в области имплантации - Pinciples for the Management of Peri-Implant Defects by Andre Willem van Zyl, 0.82 Credit hours/points

16. Знания и навыки стоматолога общей практики для имплантацинной стоматологии - General Dental Knowledge and Clinical Skills for Implant Dentistry by Dominic O'Sulliva, 0.5 Credit hours/points

17. Биологические принципы трансплантации кости - Biological Principles of Bone Grafting by Andreas Stavropolous, 0.58 Credit hours/points

18. Оценка эстетического риска - Esthetic Risk Assessment by William Martin, 0.63 Credit hours/points

19. Выбор абатмента - Abutment Selection by Julia-Gabriela Wittneben Matter, 0.58 Credit hours/points

и другие (добавлю информацию по мере возможности)


Открыты доклады всемирного симпозиума -

ITI WS 2014 (Женева, Швейцария):

1. Биологические и технические осложнения в имплантационной стоматологии -Biologcal and Technical Complications in Implant Dentistry, Speaker: Lisa A Heitz-Mayfield, 0.47 Credit hours/points

2. До сих пор ли жива догма об использовании имплантатов наибольшего диаметра? - Is the Dogma of Using the Largest Diameter still Valid?, Speaker: Bilal Al-Nawas, 0.35 Credit hours/points

3. Оропедическое планирование и дизайн реставраций для предотвращения биологических осложнений - Prosthetic Planing and Design to Prevent Biological Complications, Speaker: Dean Morton, 0.52 Credit hours/points

4. Периимплантиты. Существует ли стандарт лечения? - Treatment of Peri-Implantitis. Is there a Standard of Care?, Speaker: Giovanni E. Salvi, 0.47 Credit hours/points



Участие в образовательных мероприятиях до 2016 года:


2015, Октябрь - Российский Конгресс ITI


2015, Сентябрь - завершён годовой курс Speak Up

General English: Тест 88% LEVEL 7 (INTERMEDIATE)


the ITI World Symposium "Knowledge is key"

2014, April, Geneve, Switzerland


the 20th Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine"

2013, April, Moscow, Russia




the 11th ITI World Symposium "30 Years of Leadership and Credibility",

2010, April, Geneva, Switzerland



the 9th ITI World Symposium "25 Years of ITI - Changing the Paradigms in Implant Dentistry",

2005, June, Munich, Germany



the XXVIIth international meeting of Italian Implant Association, 1997, June, Bologna, Italy


Участие в научно-практических клубах, семинарах, практических курсах 1990-2015:

2015, December, Moscow - ITI Study Club Meeting - Протоколы лечения при полном отсутствии зубов с применением дентальных имплантатов - к.м.н., ITI Fellow, Рябов А.Ю.

2015, February, Moscow - The 9th meeting of Moscow ITI Study Club: Complex rehabilitation of patients with dental implants and periodontal pathology. Prof. Oleg Kulakov, Moscow, Russia

2014, November, Moscow - The 8th meeting of Moscow ITI Study Club: Immediate loading and immediate restoration in implant procedures. The lector: Dr Massimo Frosecchi, Florence, Italy

2014, October, Moscow - Round-table conference: Pain Control in Clinical Dentistry to Date. The principals: Prof. Solomon Rabinovicn, Associate Prof. Elena Zorjan - Supported by Dr. Reddy's

2014, October, Moscow - the annual Conmet conference - Science and Practice: Aesthetics in Implant Dentistry

2014, September, Moscow - Round-table conference: Antibiotics in Clinical Dentistry. The principal - Prof. Irina Makeeva.Supported by Dr. Reddy's

2014, July, Bologna, Italy - Two days master class: Intraoral Welding and Soft Implantology. The principal - Prof. Maurizio Cirulli

2013, November, Moscow - Panel Discussion - Contemporary and future perspectives in implant dentistry. Moderator - Michel M. Dard DDS, MS, PhD, Professor, NY University

2013, September, Moscow - Straumann Symposium - The "Team" Approach to Implant Rehabilitation; Surgical and Restorative Considerations for Predictable Success - Speakers: William Martin, DMD, MS, James Ruskin, DMD, MD, Professor University of Florida, USA

2013, September, Moscow - ITI Study Club -1. Piezosurgery  of the maxillary sinus area, bone grafting and  splitting of the alveolar ridge  in conjunction with dental implants. 2. Bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. Lector: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Knut A. Grotz, klinik fur Kiefer- und Plastische Gesichtchirurgie, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. (Excellent presentations. Unfortunately both in German. English is preferable!)

2013, May, 2013, Moscow - Straumann Symposium - Modern Implant Dentistry: Soft Tissue and Bone Management. Speaker: Dr. Gerrit Wyma, RSA

2013, April, Moscow - Symposium Deficit of Love is a Factor for Psychosomatic Disorders. Part 2. Chairmen: Nina Vanchakova, Nataly Chernus, Alexander Borisov

2013, April, Moscow - Symposium Russian Society for Evidence Based Medicine and RAS - Research misconduct in Biological and Clinical Investigations. Chairmen: Boris Yudin, Vassiliy Vlasov

2013, April, Moscow - Symposium Russian Society for Evidence Based Medicine - Advance of Evidence Based Medicine. Problems of technology assessment. Chairman -Vassiliy Vlassov, MD, PhD, DrHab, Prof.

2013, January, Sallanches, France - Hands-on training: A Global Implant Solution with Euroteknika group.

2012, November, Moscow - Hands-on training - Peri-implant plastic surgery - Director: Prof. Jean-Pierre Ouhayoun, France, Paris. Supported by Eurotekhnika group.

2012, October, Moscow - Straumann Conference - Restorative Driven Implant Therapy: Diagnosis, Planing & Techniques for Success. Digital Dental Photography. Lector: William Martin, DMD, MS, USA, Florida (.pdf the main report, pdf.ERA form)

2012, October, Moscow - One-day seminar - Introduction in Evidence-Based Dentistry (.pdf presentation rus). Lector: Svetlana Vahney, DMD, PhD (.pdf presentation)

2012, September, Moscow - the 11th annual conference - Clinical practice with Conmet Dental Implant System and its prospects.

2012, March, Moscow - The 1st meeting of Moscow ITI Study Club. - Planing of complex implant treatment: are good esthetics and fast treatment protocols compatible? - Lector: Siegfried Heckmann, PhD Германия. Diagnostics and treatment planning in modern implant dentistry. Are surgical templates necessary? - Lector: Dr. Alexey Ryabov, DDS

2012, March, Moscow - With a clear treatment concept in dental implantology to a predictable esthetic result: the ITI philosophy. - Conference director: Dr. Bruno Schmid, Switzerland, Bern

2012, February, Moscow - Scientific and Practical Conference - Oral-Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery and Implant Rehabilitation. Health professional - Professor Vladimir Hushov, Moscow, Russia

2011, December, Moscow - Educational training for ITI speakers: The latest PowerPoint. New Straumann materials for hands-on trainings. Lector- David Davis - Regional Head of Education - Distributors Middle East, Eastern&Central Europe&Africa - Institute Straumann AG, Switzerland, Basel

2011, Decemer, Moscow - Educational course and hands-on training: Straumann products for periodontal regeneration: Emdogain, BoneCeramic, MembraGel. Lector - Professor Anton Friedman, Germany, Witten

2011, October, Moscow - the 10th annual conference "Clinical practice with Conmet Dental Implant System and its prospects".

2011, July, Moscow - ITI Study Club: The Principles. Lector - Dr Luca Cordaro

2011, March, Moscow - Attention! Oncology in Dental Practice. Lector - Prof. Ilia Rabinovich, DMD

2011, February, Moscow - Emergency in Dental Practice: Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prevention. Lector - Dr Igor Zinovijev, DMD

2010, November, Moscow - "Conmet Dental Implant System: New Design; Surgical and Prosthodontic Aspects" Theoretical course. Lector - Dr Andrey Zhusev, DDS

2010, September, Moscow - the 9th annual conference "Clinical practice with Conmet Dental Implant System and its prospects".

2009, September, Moscow - Straumann Symposium. Implants in everyday dental practice. Lectors - Dr. Mark Bischof, DMD, Dr. Rabach Nedir, DMD, Switzerland

2008, December, Moscow - Road Show 2008, Nobel Biocare Russian Tour. Basic Principles of Implant Dentistry: Surgery and Prosthetics. Lectors - Dr. Sergey Zorin, Dr.Vladislav Avetov, Dr. Aram Davidyan et al.

2008, November, Moscow - Theoretical Course: Current Trends, Technologies and Techniques for Esthetic Implant Dentistry. Lector- Dr. Maurice A. Salama, DMD

2008, November, Moscow - Theoretical and Practical Course: Preparing of Bone Tissue for Dental Implantation with using Bone Management. Lector - Dr. Andrew Yaremenko, DMD

2008, September, Moscow - Straumann Symposium. Modern Implant Dentistry: Current Concepts in Surgical and Prosthodontic Treatment. Lectors - Daniel Buser, DMD, Prof Dr Med Dent, Urs C. Belser, DMD, Prof Dr Med

2008, May, Moscow, - iTOP 1&2 level, CURADEN International AG, Lector - Dr. Elena Terenteva

2008, April, Moscow - Straumann Symposium. From tooth extraction to the insertion of the implant reconstruction. Decision and timing. Lectors - Professor Niclaus P. Lang Dr. Med. Dent., Dr hc, Ph D, MS; Assistant Professor Ronald E Jung, Dr. Med. Dent.

2008, April, Hannover, Germany - advanced course on augmentation procedures at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Hannover Medical School (cooperation with Straumann). Lector - Professor Dr. Dr. N.-C.Gellrich

2007, September, Moscow - Conmet implant seminar

2007, May, Moscow - The seminar on the use of Bicon Dental Implant System. Lector - Professor Vincent J. Morgan, D.M.D., U.S.A.

2006, September, Moscow - The seminar on the use of Emdogain in periodontal regeneration. Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2005, October, Moscow - A course of lectures focusing on clinical use of Emdogain in periodontal regeneration. Lector -. Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2005, May, Moscow - Nobel Biocare implant system. Biological One-piece Implant. Nobel Direct. Lector - Professor Mick R. Dragoo, DDS, M. S.D., USA

2004, September, Moscow -Surgical aspects of the STRAUMANN Dental Implant System use (for advanced users) - Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2004, September, Moscow - Use of the prosthodontic components with the STRAUMANN Dental Implant System (for advanced users) - Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2003, November, Moscow -The ITI/Straumann dental implant system (use of the prostodontic components with the ITI DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM) - Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2003, September, Moscow - The ITI/Straumann dental implant system. Advantages of the ITI DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM - Lector - Dr. Bruno Schmid, Switzeland

2003, June, Moscow - The ITI/Straumann dental implant system (Basic course) - Lector - Mr. Michael Knackmuss, Switzerland

2003, April, Moscow - The ITI/Straumann dental implant system. Advantages of the ITI DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM - Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2003, April, Moscow - Latest product innovations and advanced procedures with the ITI DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM - Lector - Dr. Anton Friedman, Germany

2002, April, Moscow - Astra Tech dental implant system. Basic presentation.

2001, April, Moscow - The ITI/Straumann dental implant system. Basic presentation - Lectors - Mr. Patric Walder, Switzerland, Dr. Arnd Wroblewski, Germany

1998, April, Moscow - Spline™/Calcitec dental implant system. Basic presentation.

1997, April, Moscow - Endopore/Innova dental implant system. Basic presentation. - Lector - Professor D. Deporter, Canada

1996, April, Moscow - Ankylos/Degussa dental implant system. Basic presentation.

1990, April, Moscow - The ITI/Straumann dental implant system. Basic presentation. Lector - Dr. George Kun, Germany


Working experience:

2000 - currently – practical working as an oral surgeon in a private dental clinic in Moscow

1998 - Certificated by Russian Ministry of Public Health as an oral surgeon, superior degree of qualification

1992-2000 - Moscow State Institute of Stomatology, teaching of oral surgery



1993 - Ph.D. thesis “Planning of Dental Implant Procedure”. The Scientific chief - Prof. T. Robustova, Moscow State Institute of Stomatology

1987-1992 - Postgraduate education - residency and post-graduate course, Department of Oral Surgery, Moscow State Institute of Stomatology,

1982 - 1987- Higher Education - Moscow State Institute of Stomatology, graduated with honor